Some Clients Will Suck, but You Need Them — Here is why

A few considerations after a few years of freelancing

Dominique R
5 min readJul 27, 2020
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

I spent the afternoon chatting with a friend about our previous clients. We were talking about starting a job together, one thing led to another and we remembered our worst clients.

To be brief about it, we came to a very important statement about Freelancing: Some Clients will suck, and that’s fine, we need them in order to learn.

Everybody knows a few things about a freelancer: We are a little crazy, almost too analytical, and we know How to Take Shit. Seriously. Ask any friend freelancing right now.

While he or she might be happy with their lives working as a freelancer, they will tell you a dozen bizarre stories.

They will tell you about the client that never paid them. At that time the client never showed up to meetings; the client that spent too much money on tools but never developed the idea to a stage to actually have a product and complains after 4 to 6 months about the mediocre results.

They will tell you these stories and I can place a bet with you; I will win 9 out of every 10 times. Guaranteed.

Then, we talked about the clients that will exploit you at the beginning of your career as a Freelancer



Dominique R

I write stuff. UX Writing @ Bradesco. Freelance Ghostwriter and Copywriter. Opinions are my own.